Active Subwoofer System
O F 4 P A G E S
16220 Wood-Red Road NE, Woodinville, WA 98072 USA
800.898.3211, fax 425.487.4337, sales@mackie.com
UK +44.1268.570.808, fax +44.1268.570.809, uk@mackie.com
Electronic les for this product available at:
This Specication Sheet SWA1801_SS.PDF
Owner/Operator’s Manual SWA1801_OM.PDF
LOUD Technologies continually engages in research related to product improvement. New material,
production methods, and design renements are introduced into existing products without notice
as a routine expression of that philosophy. For this reason, any current LOUD Technologies product
may differ in some respect from its published description, but will always equal or exceed the origi-
nal design specications unless otherwise stated. ©1999-2004 LOUD Technologies Inc. All rights
Architects’ and Engineers’ Specications
The active subwoofer loudspeaker system shall
incorporate one 18-inch low-frequency (LF) trans-
ducer mounted within a vented enclosure and
tuned for optimum low-frequency response. System
frequency response shall vary no more than ±3 dB
from 45 Hz to 120 Hz measured on axis. The loud-
speaker shall incorporate a low-frequency amplier
system capable of delivering 800 watts rms over
a frequency range of 30 Hz to 150 Hz. The system
shall provide 129 dB of continuous output and
135 dB of peak output. The amplier system shall
be mounted on an aluminum heat sink, which shall
be mounted on the rear of the enclosure, and shall
be convection cooled.
The rear-mounted amplier assembly shall com-
prise separate signal and AC power panels sepa-
rated by a large aluminum heat sink. The signal
input panel shall contain two input and two loop-
through XLR connectors, two high-pass output XLR
connectors, a volume level control, a phase switch,
and four status LEDs for Power ON, Signal Pres-
ent, Limit, and Thermal functions. The system shall
accept a standard line-level signal via the XLR input
connectors. The power switch and IEC AC connector
shall be located on the power panel.
Thermal protection shall be provided by a heat
sink-mounted thermal sensor, which monitors the
heat sink temperature and triggers the thermal
protection circuit should the temperature exceed
140° F (60° C). The Thermal LED shall light and the
input signal shall be muted until the heat sink cools
to a safe operating level, at which point the thermal
protection circuit auto-resets and normal operation
Overload protection shall be provided by a lim-
iter circuit, which monitors the amplier output and
reduces the input level to the amplier should the
amplier output begin to clip.
The enclosure shall have a rectangular shape
and shall incorporate two side handles, one on each
side, and a top-mounted pole receptacle. The enclo-
sure shall be constructed of multi-ply wood.
The active subwoofer loudspeaker system shall
be the Mackie SWA1801.
Part No. 0003348 Rev C 09/05