Windows XP
The following table presents the tasks that limited, power, and administrative users
can perform in Rescue and Recovery in a Windows XP environment.
Table 42. Windows XP user tasks
Windows XP users can perform
the following: Limited user Power user Administrator
Create rescue media ISO. No No Yes (with
command line
provided below)
Create bootable CD media. Yes Yes Yes
Create USB hard disk drive
bootable media.
No No Yes
Initiate backup. Yes Yes Yes
Initialize restore in Rescue and
Recovery environment (RRE).
Yes Yes Yes
Perform single-file restore in
Rescue and Recovery environment.
No (Windows)
Yes (Windows
Pre Boot Area)
No (Windows)
Yes (Windows
Pre Boot Area)
Set include and exclude in the
Rescue and Recovery interface.
Yes Yes Yes
Backup to a network drive. Yes Yes Yes
Schedule backups. Yes Yes Yes
Predesktop Area login ID carry
Note: The last Windows
administrator ID is the only ID that
can automatically carry over from
Windows to the Predesktop Area.
Windows limited and power users
will need to retype their user ID
and passwords to logon to the
Predesktop Area.
No No Yes
Windows 2000
The following table presents the tasks that limited, power, and administrative users
can perform in Rescue and Recovery in a Windows 2000 environment.
Table 43. Windows 2000 user tasks
Windows 2000 users can perform
the following: Limited user Power user Administrator
Create rescue media ISO. No No Yes (with
command line
provided below)
Create bootable CD media. Yes Yes Yes
Create USB hard disk drive
bootable media.
No No Yes
Initiate backup. Yes Yes Yes
Initialize restore in the Rescue and
Recovery environment (RRE.
Yes Yes Yes
146 Rescue and Recovery Deployment Guide Version 4.1