Table 38. RRcmd parameters (continued)
Command Result
Location=c One or more of the following can be selected with the associated
L For primary local hard drive
U For USB hard drive
S For second local hard drive
N For network
C For CD/DVD Restore
name=abc Where abc, is the name of the backup.
level=x Where x is a number from 0 (for the base) to maximum number of
incremental backups (only used with the restore option. For
backup commands, the level=x command is only required if
performing an administrator backup (equal to or greater than 100,
for example).
1. To restore from the latest backup, do not provide this
2. All backup and restore features are routed through the service
so that the appropriate sequencing can be maintained,
callbacks are performed, for example. The backup command is
replaced with the command-line options.)
Boot manager
Configuration File
The format of the boot manager configuration file is backward
compatible with the previous version of boot manager. Any switch
not show below is not supported. The file format is a text file with
each entry is on a separate line.
<PROMPT1=this is the text that will appear on F11 prompt>
Osfilter This command is used only with the restore command. It uses the
registry settings for OsAppsList to filter files being restored. This
command line entry can be used to do an OsApps restore.
How to replace files in a base backup
To replace a file in your backups:
1. Modify a file or files that exist in the backups, for example: c:\install.log
2. Create a file in the root of c:\, called file.txt.
3. Edit file.txt and add the following path for the file you modified: R=<full path
to the file you modified>. The following provides an example:
Note: You must have this file.txt closed.
4. Run RRCMD Changebase filename=c:\file.txt drive=c: destination=″c:\
Check single file restore with the user interface to notice change in size.
Appendix A. Command-line tools 137