Note: The displays of the various shaver types look
different, but work in the same way.
- When the battery is almost empty (when there
are only 5 or fewer shaving minutes left), the plug
symbol ashes.
- When you switch off the shaver, the plug
symbol continues to ash for a few seconds.
Remaining battery capacity
- The remaining battery capacity is indicated by the
number of charging lights that are on.
Travel lock
You can lock the shaver when you are going to
travel. The travel lock prevents the shaver from being
switched on by accident.
Activating the travel lock
1 Press the on/off button for 3 seconds to enter
the travel lock mode.
, The lock symbol lights up on the display.
Note: The displays of the various shaver types look
different, but show the same symbol.
Deactivating the travel lock
1 Press the on/off button for 3 seconds.
, The motor starts running to indicate that the
travel lock has been deactivated.
The shaver is now ready for use again.