1.1 Front Panel Display
LED Status Description
POWER On Router is switched on and correctly powered.
2.4G / 5G On Indicates that the particular WLAN mode is active.
Off The WLAN mode is not active.
Flashing Wireless data is being received and/or transmitted.
WAN On The WAN port is connected to a cable or DSL modem.
Off No device is connected to the WAN port.
Flashing Data trafc on WAN port.
LNK/ACT On A device is connected to the LAN port.
(1-4) Off No device is connected to the LAN port.
Flashing Data trafc on LAN port.
1000M On A device is connected at Gigabit speed
Off A device is connected at either 10 or 100 Mbps.
1.2 Back Panel Display
Feature Description
Antennas All 3 antennas are xed-dipole with 3 dBi of gain each.
Radio Activate or deactivate the wireless functions with this ON/OFF switch.
Reset/ Reset the router to factory default settings (clear all settings) or start the
WPS WPS function. Press and hold for 10 seconds to restore all settings to
factory defaults; press once for less than 5 seconds to start the 2.4GHz
WPS function; press twice for less than 5 seconds to start the 5GHz WPS.
1-4 Local Area Network (LAN) ports 1 to 4.
WAN Wide Area Network (WAN/Internet) port.
12VDC Connects the A/C power adapter (12V DC).
12V DC
PS 1 2 3 4