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7 Services
7.1 Setting DDNS
Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS) service is used to map the user's dynamic IP address
to a fixed DNS service.
To configure DDNS settings, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > DDNS.
2. In Service provider, choose DynDNS.org.
3. Set DDNS to Enable.
4. Enter Domain name and Host name.
For example, if the domain name provided by your service provider is
test.customtest.dyndns.org, enter customtest.dyndns.org as Domain name, and test as
Host name.
5. Enter User name and Password.
6. Click Submit.
7.2 SMS Management
7.2.1 Viewing SMS Messages
You can check the messages in your inbox, drafts, and outbox folders.
To view a message, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > SMS Messages.
2. Do as follows:
Click Inbox to view received messages.
Click Drafts to view draft messages.
Click Outbox to view sent messages.
7.2.2 Sending SMS Messages
To send a message, perform the following steps: