Checking Your Computer Settings
For Windows 3.1x
Check the computer’s packaging:
If you still have the box for your computer, check the printing on the box for a list
of system features. Compare the type and speed of CPU, and the amount of RAM,
with the system requirements for your printer.
Check the amount of RAM installed in your computer:
Open a DOS box by double-clicking the MS-DOS Prompt in the Main program
group of the Program Manager.
2 With the cursor flashing at the > prompt of the DOS box, type mem and press
the Return key.
3 Divide the number given for Total memory by 1000 to arrive at the
approximate number of MB RAM in your computer.
4 To close the DOS box and return to Windows 3.1x, type exit with the cursor
flashing at the > prompt and press the Return key.
Check the capacity and available free space on your hard disk drive:
Double-click the File Manager icon in the Main program group of the Program
2 Click the icon representing your hard-disk drive.
The Status line at the bottom of the window shows both the Free Space and the
Capacity of your hard drive in kilobytes.
3 Divide these numbers by 1000 to arrive at an approximate number of MB in the
hard drive, and the number of MB free space available on the hard drive.
dj895c.book Page 84 Monday, July 12, 1999 11:31 AM