:L indicates papers available in Latin America
:N indicates papers available in North America
If the part number is not followed by a colon, the paper is available in all regions.
Table 26-4 Premium Technical
Name g/m² 24 in wide 36 in wide 42 in wide 23.39 in
wide (A1)
33.11 in
wide (A0)
HP Bright White Inkjet Bond Paper 90 C1860A:LN
none Q1445A:EJ Q1444A:EJ
HP Bright White Inkjet Bond Paper
(300 ft)
90 none C6810A none none none
HP Matte Film 160 51642A:AEN 51642B none none none
HP Clear Film 170 C3876A:AEN C3875A none none none
HP Natural Tracing Paper 90 C3869A C3868A none Q1439A:J Q1438A:J
HP Translucent Bond 67 C3860A:AN C3859A:ALN none none none
HP Polyester Film Opaque White
170 C7955A:EN C7956A:EN C7957A:EN none none
HP Vellum 75 C3862A:N C3861A:LN none none none
HP Coated Paper 96 C6019B C6020B C6567B Q1442A:EJ Q1441A:EJ
HP Coated Paper (300 ft) 96 none C6980A none none none
HP Heavyweight Coated Paper 131 C6029C:AEN C6030C C6569C none none
HP Heavyweight Coated Paper (225
131 none none Q1956A:EN none none
Table 26-5 Premium Photographic
Name g/m² 24 in wide 36 in wide 42 in wide
HP Productivity Photo Gloss 244 none Q1938A:AEN Q1939A:AEN
HP Productivity Photo Semi-Gloss 244 none Q1943A:AEN Q1944A:AEN
HP Photo Paper RC Matte 200 none C7946A:AEN none
HP Proofing Paper RC Satin 200 none C7952A:AEN none
Table 26-6 Universal Line
Name g/m² 24 in wide 36 in wide 42 in wide 23.39 in
wide (A1)
33.11 in
wide (A0)
HP Universal High-Gloss Photo
190 Q1426A:AEN Q1427A:AEN Q1428A:AEN none none
HP Universal Semi-Gloss Photo
190 Q1420A:AEN Q1421A:AEN Q1422A:AEN none none
HP Universal Instant-Dry Photo
190 Q6574A:AEN Q6575A:AEN Q6576A:AEN none none
HP Universal Instant-Dry Photo
190 Q6579A:AEN Q6580A:AEN Q6581A:AEN none none
ENWW Ordering paper 215