accessing 6-3
e-services 6-6
Information pages 6-4
Network pages 6-6
Settings pages 6-4
energy consumption 10-9
margins, minimum 7-6
printing 7-15
tray capacity 7-4
trays supported 7-3
environmental specifications 10-9
error messages
e-mail alerts 6-4
LCD control panel 5-11
log 5-4, 6-4
settings 6-1
e-services 6-6
Ethernet cards
Jetdirect print servers, ordering 9-2
settings 5-7
event log
printing 5-4
viewing with embedded Web server 6-4
extending trays 2-7
factory default settings, restoring
HP Jetdirect print servers 5-9
printer 5-11
Fast mode 5-6
feeding problems 8-21
film, transparency. See transparencies
flashing lights 5-1, 8-7
Flip Pages Up 7-22
floppy disks, copying software to 2-10
lists, printing 5-3
PCL settings 5-6
specifications 10-8
troubleshooting 8-13, 8-14
Windows 2-10
formatting, troubleshooting 8-11, 8-15
front manual feed
capacity 7-4
duplexing from 7-21
loading paper 7-6, 7-10
locating 2-1
media supported 7-1
troubleshooting 8-22
glossy papers, HP
trays supported 7-2
graphics, troubleshooting 8-11, 8-17
green lights 5-1, 8-7
guide, paper 2-1
guides, reference 1-1
Hagaki cards
printing 7-15
trays supported 7-4
heavy media
HP, ordering 9-5
printing 7-19
trays supported 7-1, 7-4
help, online
customer support 10-1
drivers 1-1
HP Instant Support 6-6
Toolbox 6-2
HP Auto-Duplex Unit
enabling (Macintosh) 3-5
enabling (Windows) 2-14
installing 2-5
layout options 7-21
locating 2-3
media supported 7-1
part number 9-1
testing 5-4
using 7-20
HP Customer Care 10-2
hp instant support 6-6
HP Jetdirect print servers
Administrator’s Guide 1-1, 4-4
configuring 5-7
EIO slot, locating 2-3
included 10-5
part numbers 9-2
resetting 5-9
setting up 4-1
HP LaserJet Utility, Mac OS 3-1
HP media, ordering 9-3
HP Web JetAdmin 4-4
settings, changing 5-6
software, downloading 2-10
versions supported 10-7
humidity specifications 10-9
I/O Menu 5-10
image diagnostics, printing 5-3
image quality
settings 5-6
specifications 10-6
index cards
printing 7-15
trays supported 7-4
Information Menu 5-3
Information pages, embedded Web server