Introducing the Fire GL2 3
Typical Application Environments
Fire GL2 offers outstanding 2D/3D performance in Windows NT,
Windows 2000, and Linux. Fire GL2 is optimized and certified for
professional 3D graphics in the following business environments.
Mechanical Engineering Analysis (MEA)
Mechanical Computer Aided Design (MCAD)
Electrical Design Automation (EDA)
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
Digital Content Creation (DCC)
Business Economic Modeling
3D Game Development
System Requirements and Tools
What do you need to install and use your Fire GL2?
Motherboard with free AGP slot
Pentium II CPU or better
System interrupt (IRQ) which is free. This may have to be reserved
in the computer’s BIOS. For help with this theme, refer to the
manual for your mainboard.
Supported operating system:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6 (or newer)
Microsoft Windows 2000
CD-ROM drive
A screwdriver to remove and reinstall the PC cover screws and card
mounting screws. See your PC manual for specific requirements.
Fire GL CD-ROM for Fire GL2