HP has the right monitor for you at the right price. Detailed information is available at: www.hp.com/go/monitors
commercial hp part CRT size/ dot/pixel recommended resolution/ horizontal
name number VIS* pitch max resolution (@xxHz) frequency
CRT monitors
15" essential hp 56 P4795A 15.0 in. 0.28 mm 800 x 600 @ 85 Hz 30–54 kHz
13.8 in. viewable area 1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz
17" essential hp 72 D8904A 17.0 in. 0.27 mm 1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz 30–70 kHz
15.9 in. viewable area 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz
17" professional (flat CRT) hp p720 D8907A 17.0 in. 0.25 mm 1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz 30–85 kHz
16.0 in. viewable area 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz
19" essential hp 92 P4815A 19.0 in. 0.26 mm 1280 x 1024 @ 85 Hz 30–95 kHz
18.0 in. viewable area 1600 x 1200 @ 75 Hz
19" professional (flat CRT) hp p920 D8912A 19.0 in. 0.24 mm 1280 x 1024 @ 85 Hz 29–107 kHz
18.0 in. viewable area 1920 x 1440 @ 70Hz
21" professional (flat CRT) hp p1130 P4819A 21.0 in. 0.24 mm 1600 x 1200 @ 85 Hz 30–130 kHz
19.8 in. viewable area 2048 x 1536 @ 85Hz
LCD monitors
15" professional hp l1520 D5063A 15.0 in. N/A 1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz N/A
D5063M 15.0 in. viewable area 1024 x 768 @ 75 Hz
17" professional hp l1720 D5064A 17.0 in. N/A 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz N/A
D5064M 17.0 in. viewable area 1600 x 1200 @ 60 Hz
18" professional hp l1820 D5960A 18.0 in. N/A 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz N/A
18.1 in. viewable area 1600 x 1200 @ 60 Hz
*viewable image size
Go to the HP monitor advisor tool at: www.hp.com/go/monitors and select “Help me choose my HP monitor” for assistance in choosing the appropriate HP monitor.
When selecting a monitor, you should take into consideration the main application running on your PC, as well as any other criteria such as cost and space requirements.
configurations and models
product form factor processor cache memory hard optical audio graphics video RAM LAN card operating
number (standard/ disk storage system
A8380T Desktop Pentium 4 256 KB ATC 256/1536 40 GB 48X Int. ATI Rage 32/32 MB Intel 10/100 Windows XP
1.8 GB MB SDRAM CD-ROM AC ‘97 128 Ultra DDR SDRAM Integrated XP Home Edition
A8386T Desktop Pentium 4 256 KB ATC 256/1536 20 GB 48X Int. ATI Rage 32/32 MB Intel 10/100 Windows
1.8 GB MB SDRAM CD-ROM AC ‘97 128 Ultra DDR SDRAM Integrated XP Pro/2000
A8181S Desktop Pentium 4 256 KB ATC 256/1536 40 GB 48X Int. ATI Rage 16/16 MB Intel 10/100 Windows
1.9 GB MB SDRAM CD-ROM AC ‘97 128 PRO DDR SDRAM Integrated 2000/NT
A8387T Minitower Pentium 4 256 KB ATC 256/1536 40 GB 48X Int. ATI Rage 32/32 MB Intel 10/100 Windows
1.8 GB MB SDRAM CD-ROM AC ‘97 128 Ultra DDR SDRAM Integrated XP Pro/2000
A8383T Minitower Pentium 4 256 KB ATC 512/1536 80 GB 48X Int. ATI Rage 32/32 MB Intel 10/100 Windows
1.9 GB MB SDRAM CD-ROM AC ‘97 128 Ultra SDRAM Integrated XP Pro/2000
A8526T Small Form Pentium 4 256 KB ATC 128/1536 20 GB 24X Int. ATI Rage 16/16 MB Intel 10/100 Windows
Factor 1.7 GB MB SDRAM CD-ROM AC ‘97 128 PRO SDRAM Integrated XP Home Edition
A8182S Small Form Pentium 4 256 KB ATC 256/1536 40 GB 24X Int. ATI Rage 16/16 MB Intel 10/100 Windows
Factor 1.8 GB MB SDRAM CD-ROM AC ‘97 128 PRO SDRAM Integrated XP Pro/2000