Parameter Description
smc -exportadvrule Exports the agent's firewall rules to a .sar file.
Agent rules are only exported from the agent when in Server Control mode.
You must specify the path name and file name. For example, you can type the
following command:
smc -exportadvrule
smc -importallconfig Imports the server and client profiles to the agent. The source folder must contain
both serdef.xml and cltdef.xml.
This command replaces the current profile file's contents. Therefore, you can deploy
the most current profile file without having to remove out-of-date firewall rules,
antivirus scans, security settings, and user interface settings.
You must specify the path name and file name and extension. Any name or extension
is acceptable. For example, you can type the following command:
smc -importallconfig
smc -exportallconfig Exports the server and client profiles to file and folder of your choice.
Exports the server and client profiles to file and folder of your choice.
You must specify the path name and file name and extension.
Any name or extension is acceptable. For example, you can
type the following command:
smc -start Starts the client service.
smc -stop Stops the client service.
When you import profile files and firewall rules, note that the following rules apply:
You cannot import profile files or firewall rule files directly from a mapped network drive.
The agent does not support UNC (universal naming convention) paths.
Typing a parameter if the agent is password-protected
You can password-protect the agent computer for the following parameters:
-stop The agent asks for a password before you or the user stops the agent.
-importconfig The agent asks for a password before you can import the profile file.
-exportconfig The agent asks for a password before you can export the profile file.
NOTE: The password is limited to 15 characters or less.
Table 6-1 Parameters that administrators can use (continued)
24 Chapter 6 Command Line Management