3 Agent basics
This chapter includes the following topics:
Opening the agent on page 4
Navigating the main window on page 4
Using the menus and the toolbar on page 5
About the notification area icon on page 8
Testing your endpoint on page 10
Opening the agent
The agent is designed to start automatically when you turn on your endpoint, protecting you immediately.
To configure your agent or review logs of potential attacks on your agent, you open the agent first.
To open the agent
1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Programs.
2. Click Symantec > Symantec Endpoint Protection for Windows XP Embedded agent.
Navigating the main window
Once you open the agent, you see the main screen. The main screen provides real-time network traffic
updates, online status, links to logs, and access to various advanced rules, security settings, and
antivirus settings.
The user interface changes depending on the different control modes of the agent, including user mode,
admin mode, or mixed mode. In addition, some icons may not appear, depending on how your system
administrator configured the agent.
The agent is resizable, so you can view it as a full-screen or part-screen image.
4 Chapter 3 Agent basics