Systems Insight Display LED
and color
Health LED System power LED Status
Over temp (amber) Amber Green The Health Driver has
detected a cautionary
temperature level.
Over temp (amber) Red Amber The server has detected a
hardware critical temperature
PCI riser (amber) Red Green The PCI riser cage is not
seated properly.
Fan (amber) Amber Green One fan has failed or has
been removed.
Fan (amber) Red Green Two or more fans have failed
or been removed.
Power supply (amber) Red Amber One or more of the following
conditions may exist:
Only one power supply
is installed and that
power supply is in
Power supply fault
System board fault
Power supply (amber) Amber Green One or more of the following
conditions may exist:
Redundant power
supply is installed and
only one power supply
is functional.
AC power cord is not
plugged into redundant
power supply.
Redundant power
supply fault
Power supply mismatch
at POST or power
supply mismatch
through hot-plug
Power cap (off) — Amber Standby
Power cap (green) — Flashing green Waiting for power
Power cap (green) — Green Power is available.
Power cap (flashing amber) — Amber Power is not available.
IMPORTANT: If more than one DIMM slot LED is illuminated, further troubleshooting is required.
Test each bank of DIMMs by removing all other DIMMs. Isolate the failed DIMM by replacing each
DIMM in a bank with a known working DIMM.
6 Chapter 2 Component identification