Live Video
2.2.2 Sizing Camera Windows
Optimal rendering
As an operator makes a camera window larger or smaller, the resolution of its video
image changes. The resolution is optimized for window size and speed of delivery.
For live work, video at higher resolutions makes more use of the processing
power of an operator’s PC.
Sizing camera windows
An operator can size camera windows optimally for a given resolution.
!26 To size a camera window optimally for a resolution
1. While running a Live session, right-click on a camera window’s video. A small
menu appears on the video. See figure 16.
2. Point to, or click Video Resolution to display a list of resolutions.
3. Click a value. The menu vanishes and the camera window is sized optimally.
Fig. 16. Menu available in a camera window during a Live session.
Resolution gauge: amount of resolution
After sizing a camera window, a resolution gauge reports if resolution is low, high or in
between. The icon is shown in figures 17 (for NTSC) and 18 (for PAL).
Fig. 17. Resolution gauge for NTSC cameras: one of five resolutions is dynamically
Fig. 18. Resolution gauge for PAL: one of four resolutions is dynamically assigned.
Set a Multi-Media unit to use either NTSC or PAL cameras; both types cannot be
used on the same unit.