Navigation System2
Table of Contents
Pop-ups and disclaimers ...............55
Change Route ............................... 56
Waypoints ........................................ 56
Changing Destination (other
methods) ....................................59
Find Nearest (Voice command) ....... 59
Go Home (Voice command) ............ 60
Enter a destination from the Menu
Screen (while on route) ............... 60
Continue Trip Screen ....................60
Information Features................ 61
Information Screen ....................... 61
Set Up ........................................... 61
Voice Command Help...................61
Map Legend ..................................62
Calendar........................................ 63
Edit Date ......................................... 63
Entering Your Schedule ................... 64
Calculator ..................................... 64
Convert ........................................... 65
Key to Zagat Ratings ....................65
System Set-up ............................ 66
Set-up Mode .................................66
Set up Screen (first) ......................66
Brightness ....................................... 66
Contrast .......................................... 66
Volume ............................................ 66
Display ............................................ 67
Guidance Prompts .......................... 68
Set up Screen (second) ................. 68
Personal Information:
Address Book ............................... 68
Personal Information:
Home Address.............................. 71
Personal Information:
PIN Number ................................ 71
Personal Information:
User Name ................................... 72
Personal Information:
Previous Destinations.................. 72
Routing & Guidance:
Rerouting ..................................... 73
Routing & Guidance:
Unverified Area Routing .............. 74
Routing & Guidance:
Edit Avoid Area ........................... 78
Routing & Guidance:
Edit Waypoint Search Area .......... 80
Routing & Guidance:
Guidance Mode ........................... 81
Vehicle: Off-road Tracking .............. 81
Vehicle: Correct Vehicle Position.... 81
System Information ......................... 82
Basic Settings: Keyboard Layout .... 83
Basic Settings: Units (mile or km) .. 83
Basic Settings: Voice Recognition
Feedback...................................... 83
Basic Settings: Voice ....................... 83
Clock Adjustment ............................ 83
Color: Map Color ........................... 84
Color: Menu Color ......................... 84
System Initialization ................. 85
System Initialization ..................... 85
Entering the Security Code...........85
GPS Initialization ......................... 86
Map Matching ..............................86
System Limitations ................... 87
Database Limitations................ 88