Canadian Notice
This equipment does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions as
described in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of
Le present appareil numerique n’emet pas de bruits radioelectriques depassant les
limites applicables aux appareils numeriques de la classe B prescrites dans le Reglement
sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communications du
CDRH Laser Safety Statement
This product complies with US DHHS 21 CFR J Part 1040.10. This product is a
CLASS II LASER PRODUCT with a maximum output of 1.0 mW at 670 nanometers
and continuous wave.
EN 60825-1 Laser Safety Statement
This product is classified as a CLASS 2 LASER PRODUCT with a maximum output
of 9.0 mW at 670 nanometers per EN 60825-1:1994, Issue 2, June 1997.
R&TTE Directive
The Dolphin 7200 RF is in conformity with all essential requirements of the R&TTE
Directive (1999/5/EC). This equipment has been assessed to the following standards:
ETS 300 328 ETS 300 826 (November, 1997); EN 60950: 1992, Incl Amdt 1-4, 11.
This product is marked with signifying conformity with Class II
product requirements specified in the R&TTE Directive.
The equipment is intended for use throughout the European Community, but its
authorization for use in France is restricted as follows: PAN European Frequency
Range: 2.402 - 2.480 GHz; Restricted Frequency Range for use in France: 2.448 -
2.480 GHz.