Installation Overview
This chapter describes the steps required in the processes from installing the server
to checking hardware operation.
For details, refer to the section indicated by double quotation marks (").
FIGURE 1-1 Installation Workflow
Installation Stage Workflow Task
Preliminary checks Before installing the server, check the environmental requirements, power facility, and
installation location.
Section 2.2, “Before Installing the Server” on page 2-2
Prepare the items required for installing the server.
Section 2.3, “Requirements for Server Installation” on page 2-8
Installation and
connection of this
Check the components and accessories items.
Section 3.1, “Checking Components” on page 3-1
Refer to the relevant equipment rack document to install the server in the rack.
Connect the input power cable, UPS cable, and administration console cable.
Section 3.3, “Connecting Cables” on page 3-2
Setting confirmation
and power-on
Log in to the XSCF shell, check the host public key of the XSCF, register a user
account, set the time, and make other advanced settings.
Section 3.4, “Setting and Checking the Required Information for the Server” on
page 3-6