MA Series Media Archive Servers
Overview of MA Server Workflow
The upload utility provides three methods for ingesting video files:
• Manual
• Folder watch (Auto Watch function)
• Device watch (Auto Watch function)
As each high resolution video file is uploaded, the MA server creates a preview Flash clip for
that file. Each video clip, its preview file, and its associated metadata, are logged into the MA
server’s media database. Video metadata can be added to or changed as a part of the manual
ingest procedure or once the clips are stored in a bin, named folder, on the MA server.
The User manually:
1. Selects the video clips to ingest.
2. Modifies their metadata.
3. Selects or creates a destination bin on the MA server.
4. Initiates the ingest process.
Selected video clips can be dragged and dropped into the utility window from the system’s
file/folder browser, for example Windows Explorer.
The upload utility’s two
AUTO WATCH functions allow the utility to monitor specified
Folders and Devices, such as CF card readers, and automatically upload video content and
metadata when new content appears.
Folder watch
The User:
1. Selects folders to monitor for new content.
2. Selects an existing bin or creates a new bin to receive the uploaded content.
3. Sets the time for the upload utility to periodically check the folders.
Folders can reside on a NLE client computer or the MA server so long as the folder
is shared on the network.
4. When new video clips are found the upload utility automatically ingests them.
Adding and Modifying Metadata
The Manual method offers the opportunity to add, change or delete video clip metadata
before the ingest process begins. Because Folder and Device watch are automated
methods, they do not provide the ability to edit video clip metadata.