U.S. Movie Ratings: To adjust movie blocking level in the US. You can select between G,
PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, or X.
The Movie Ratings in the US are defined as following.
G General audience R Restricted
PG Parental guidance suggested NC-17 No one 17 and under limited
PG-13 Parents strongly cautioned X Adult audience only
Use ENTER button to block or unblock the ratings, and use MENU to exit.
Canadian English Ratings: To adjust blocking level in English-speaking region of Canada.
You can select between C, C8+, G, PG, 14+, 18+.
The Canadian English Ratings are defined as following.
C Children PG Parental guidance
C8+ Children eight years and older 14+ Viewers 14 years and older
G General programming, suitable for
all audiences
18+ Adult programming
Use ENTER button to block or unblock the ratings, and use MENU to exit.
Canadian French Ratings: To adjust blocking level in French-speaking region of Canada.
You can select between G, 8 ans +, 13 ans +, 16 ans +, 18 ans +.
The Canadian French Ratings are defined as following.