Before You Begin
If you are considering reinstalling the Windows XP operating system to correct a problem with a newly installed driver, first try using Windows XP Device Driver
Rollback (see Using Windows XP Device Driver Rollback). If Device Driver Rollback does not resolve the problem, then use System Restore (see Restoring the
Computer to an Earlier Operating State) to return your operating system to the operating state it was in before you installed the new device driver.
To avoid critical setup issues when you reinstall the Microsoft Windows XP operating system on your computer, you must also reinstall the device drivers
located on the ResourceCD that was shipped with your computer.
To reinstall the drivers and Windows XP, you need the following items:
l One blank floppy disk
l Dell Operating System CD (optional)
l Dell Drivers and Utilities CD
Reinstalling Windows XP
To reinstall Windows XP, perform all the steps in the following sections in the order in which they are listed.
The reinstallation process can take 1 to 2 hours to complete. After you reinstall the operating system, you must also reinstall any additional device drivers, the
virus protection program, and other software.
Booting From the Optional Operating System CD
1. Save and close any open files and exit any open programs.
2. Insert the Operating System CD. Click Exit if Install Windows XP message appears.
3. Restart the computer.
4. Press<F12>immediatelyaftertheDELL™logoappears.
If the operating system logo appears, wait until you see the Windows desktop, and then shut down the computer and try again.
5. Press the arrow keys to select CD-ROM, and press <Enter>.
6. When the Press any key to boot from CD message appears, press any key.
Windows XP Setup
1. When the Windows XP Setup screen appears, press <Enter> to select To set up Windows now.
2. Read the information on the Microsoft Windows Licensing Agreement screen, and press <F8> to accept the license agreement.
3. If your computer already has Windows XP installed and you want to recover your current Windows XP data, type r to select the repair option, and
remove the CD.
4. If you want to install a new copy of Windows XP, press <Esc> to select that option.
5. Press <Enter> to select the highlighted partition (recommended), and follow the instructions on the screen.
The Windows XP Setup screen appears, and the operating system begins to copy files and install the devices. The computer automatically restarts
multiple times.