4424 Blade Server SAN I/O Module Hardware Reference Manual 27
Architectural specification
Architectural specification
The SAN I/O Module meets the specifications shown in Table 8.
Supported HBAs
For a complete list of interoperable hardware, visit the Brocade Connect Web site at:
and follow the links to the latest compatibility matrix. From the main page, select Technical
Resource Center, then Documentation Library. Finally, choose Compatibility and Scalability
For more information and a list of supported HBAs, refer to your Dell PowerEdge documentation.
Fibre Channel standards compliance
The SAN I/O Module switch meets or exceeds the Fibre Channel standards for compliance,
performance, and feature capabilities as defined in the Brocade standards compliance list. This
information is available at:
TABLE 8 Architecture
Feature Description
Scalability Full-fabric architecture with maximum of 239 switches
Certified maximum 32 switches, 7 hops
Performance 1.063 Gbit/sec line speed, full duplex
2.125 Gbit/sec line speed, full duplex
Fabric latency
(Fabric Switch Mode only)
<2.1 µsec with no contention
Maximum frame size 2112-byte payload
Class of service Class 2
Class 3
Class F (interswitch frames)
Port types FL_Port
Fabric services
(Fabric Switch Mode only)
Simple Name Server, Registered State Change Notification