Information Update 11
System Memory Update
The 8-GB DIMMs that are supported on your system are 533-MHz quad-rank
modules. All other sizes of supported DIMMs—512-MB, 1-GB, 2-GB, and
4-GB—are 667-MHz modules. Operating a system with a mix of 533-MHz
and 667-MHz DIMMs forces all DIMMs to operate at the slower 533-MHz
signal rate. Therefore, mixed memory configurations with 8-GB DIMMs are
not supported on your system and will result in an error message at startup
to indicate that the memory configuration is not optimal. Table 1-3 and
Table 1-4 provide updates to your system’s Hardware Owner’s Manual
regarding the currently supported system memory configurations and
memory sparing configurations.
Table 1-3. Memory Configurations
Total System Memory
CPU 1 Paired DIMMs
(Size Per DIMM)
CPU 2 Paired DIMMs
(Size Per DIMM)
1 CPU 2 CPUs DIMM 1/2 DIMM 3/4 DIMM 5/6 DIMM7/8
1 GB 2 GB 512 MB 512 MB
2 GB 4 GB 512 MB 512 MB 512 MB 512 MB
2 GB 4 GB 1 GB 1 GB
3 GB 6 GB 1 GB 512 MB 1 GB 512 MB
4 GB 8 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
4 GB 8 GB 2 GB 2 GB
5 GB 10 GB 2 GB 512 MB 2 GB 512 MB
6 GB 12 GB 2 GB 1 GB 2 GB 1 GB
8 GB 16 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB
8 GB 16 GB 4 GB 4 GB
9 GB 18 GB 4 GB 512 MB 4 GB 512 MB
10 GB 20 GB 4 GB 1 GB 1 GB 4 GB
12 GB 24 GB 4 GB 2 GB 2 GB 4 GB
16 GB 32 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB
16 GB 32 GB 8 GB 8 GB
32 GB 64 GB 8 GB 8 GB 8 GB 8 GB