6 Dell OptiPlex GXi Midsize Systems Reference and Installation Guide
EIDE hard-disk drives, 7-9
SCSI hard-disk drives, 7-13
Password Status category, 2-6
password. See setup password; system password
PCI expansion cards, 6-2
See also expansion cards
configuration, 3-2
ISA Configuration Utility, 3-1
locking and unlocking, 3-10
removing with the ISA Configuration Utility, 3-9
Peripheral Component Interconnect. See PCI
physical formatting, 7-9, 7-13
Plug and Play expansion cards, 6-2
See also expansion cards
configuration, 3-2
ISA Configuration Utility, 3-1
locking and unlocking, 3-10
removing with the ISA Configuration Utility, 3-9
adding expansion cards with ports, 2-8
autoconfiguration, 2-8
designations, 2-8
illustrated, 5-6
AC power receptacle, 5-6
cables, 7-3
power input connectors, 6-1
voltage selection switch, 5-6
Power Management category, 2-7
power supply
about, 5-4
input connectors, 6-1
problem solving, 1-6
PSWD jumper, 2-13, 5-9
regulatory notices, C-1
Reserved Memory category, 2-6
return policy, D-4
ribbon cables, 7-3
riser board
connector, 6-1
expansion-card connectors, 6-2
safety instructions
for preventing ESD, vii
general, v
health considerations, v
list, 5-1
SCSI devices
See also drives; tape drives
about, 7-10
cables, 7-10
configuration guidelines, 7-10
formatting SCSI hard-disk drives, 7-13
host adapter card, 7-10
ID numbers, 7-10
installing, 7-10, 7-12
interface cable, 7-10
partitioning SCSI hard-disk drives, 7-13
termination, 7-10
security, 2-7, 2-14
See also setup password; system password; padlock
security cable slot
about, 1-4
location, 5-6
serial port
autoconfiguration, 2-8
connectors, location, 6-1
disabling and enabling, 2-8