* Pressing or holding the power button to shut down the system may result in data loss. Use the power button to shut down the system only if the
operating system is not responding.
If the system does not turn off when you press the power button, the system may be hung. Press and hold the power button until the system turns off
completely (this process may take several seconds). Alternatively, press the reset button to reset the system and reboot. If the system is hung and
both buttons fail to function properly, unplug the AC power cable from the computer, wait for it to completely stop running, plug in the AC power
cable, and if it the system does not restart, press the power button to restart the system.
ENERGY STAR®Compliance
Certain configurations of Dell computer systems comply with the requirements set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for energy-
efficient computers. If the front panel of your computer bears the ENERGY STAR®Emblem (see Figure 4), your original configuration complied
with these requirements and all ENERGY STAR power management features of the computer are enabled. To disable or change the operation of
these features, you must change the setting for the Power Management option in the System Setup program. For instructions, see "Using the
System Setup Program."
Figure 4. ENERGY STAR®Emblem
The EPA's ENERGY STAR®Computers program is a joint effort between the EPA and computer manufacturers to reduce air pollution by
promoting energy-efficient computer products. The EPA estimates that use of ENERGY STAR®computer products can save computer users up
to two billion dollars annually in electricity costs. In turn, this reduction in electricity usage can reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, the gas primarily
responsible for the greenhouse effect, and sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which are the two primary causes of acid rain.
Computer users can also help to reduce electricity usage and its side effects by turning off their computer systems when they are not in use for
extended periods of time — particularly at night and on weekends.
Accessing Online Documentation
The online System User's Guide installed on your hard-disk drive contains information on the following topics:
l How to use the online System User's Guide
l System features
l Using drivers and utilities
l Using the integrated audio controller
l Using the System Setup program
l Configuring expansion cards
l Securing your computer
l Connecting external devices
l Maintaining the system
l Contacting Dell