5. Shut down your computer.
6. Perform the procedure in Before Working on Your Computer.
7. Replace the jumper on the password jumper (PSWD) pins.
8. Perform the procedure in After Working on Your Computer.
9. Restart your computer and enter Setup (see Entering the BIOS Setup Utility).
10. Assign new system and/or administrator password(s).
Clearing CMOS Settings
1. Perform the procedure in Before Working on Your Computer.
2. Reset the current CMOS settings:
a. Locate the clear CMOS jumper (RTCRST) pins and the password jumper (PSWD) pins on the system board (see System Board Connectors).
b. Remove the jumper from the password jumper (PSWD) pins and place it on the clear CMOS jumper (RTC_RST) pins.
c. Wait 30 seconds.
d. Remove the jumper from the clear CMOS jumper (RTC_RST) pins and place it onto the password jumper (PSWD) pins.
3. Perform the procedure in After Working on Your Computer.
4. Reboot your computer.
5. Your computer will emit beeps, and then issue a CMOS checksum error. Press <F1> to continue.
Flashing the BIOS
The BIOS Setup Utility resides within the BIOS on the system board. If you install a new system board, you may need to update (or flash) the BIOS.
1. Turn on the computer.
2. Locate the latest BIOS update file for your computer at support.dell.com.
3. Click Download Now to download the file.
4. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click Yes, I Accept this Agreement.
The File Download window appears.
5. Click Save this program to disk, and then click OK.
The Save In window appears.
6. Click the down arrow to view the Save In menu, select Desktop, and then click Save.
The file downloads to your desktop.