Video type AGP 4X or PCI video eard (see
manufaeturer's speeifieations)
Integrated NIC RJ45 eonneetor
Controls and Lights
E-Support (operates as a reset
button during start-up)
push button
Power eontrol
push button
Power lights
green LED; blinking green in sleep state;
dual-eolor LED on front panel—green for
power, yellow for diagnosties
Hard-drive aeeess light
green LED
Link integrity and speed indieator
(on integrated NIC eonneetor)
green LED for lO-Mb operation; orange
LED for lOO-Mb operation
Aetivity light (on integrated NIC
yellow LED
DC power supply:
Wattage 33O W
Heat dissipation 913 BTUs (fully loaded eomputer without
Voltage (auto-sensing)
9O to 135 V at 6O Hz;
ISO to 265 V at 5O Hz;
lOO V at 5O to 6O Hz for Japanese
Baekup battery 3-V CR2O32 eoin eell
Height X Width x Depth 49.I em X 22.2 em x 45.3 em
(I9.3 X 8.7 X I7.8 inehes)
Weight I5 kg (33.O lbs) or more, depending on
options installed
6^ I Appendix