Power Supply
Your computer is equipped with one of the following 180-W power supply units (see "Safety Instructions" for more information):
l A fixed-voltage power supply — Computers with a fixed-voltage power supply do not have a voltage selection switch on the back panel and operate at
only one voltage (see the regulatory label on the outside of the computer for its operating voltage).
l An auto-sensing voltage circuit — Computers with an auto-sensing voltage circuit do not have a voltage selection switch on the back panel and
automatically detect the correct operating voltage.
l A manual voltage selection switch — Computers with a voltage selection switch on the back panel must be manually set to operate at the correct
operating voltage.
The power supply provides the DC operating voltages and currents listed in the following table.
DC Power Connectors
Power Supply DC Connector Pin Assignments
Outputs meet and do not exceed SELV requirements per electrical standards (UL 1950, IEC 950, or EN60950 Par. 2.3).
Maximum continuous combined load on +5 VDC and +3.3 VDC outputs do not exceed 80 W.
+5 VDC minimum load is 0.2 A when there is a minimum load of 0.3 A on the +12 VDC and 0.42 A on the +3.3 VDC outputs simultaneously. +5 V minimum
load is 1 A for load transient tests.
In system configurations where +3.3 VDC is not used, all other outputs stay within regulation while the +3.3 VDC output is in a zero load condition.