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Technical Specifications
4 that runs at 1.70, 1.80, 1.90, 2.00
GHz internally and 400 MHz externally; 2.26, 2.40, 2.53,
or 2.66 GHz internally and 533 MHz externally; or Intel
that runs at 1.70, 1.80, or 2.00 GHz internally
and 400 MHz externally
NOTE: Microprocessor offerings and front-side bus support
vary by country.
256- or 512-KB (displayed in the system setup program)
pipelined-burst, eight-way set associative, write-back
400- or 533-MHz data rate
PCI connector data width
128-, 256-, 384-, 512-, or 768-MB, or 1-GB non-ECC DDR
266-MHz DDR SDRAM (non-ECC)
one 5.25-inch bay
one 3.5-inch bay
one bay for 1-inch–high IDE hard drive
ATA-66 or ATA-100 Ultra DMA hard drive, CD drive, Zip
drive, DVD drive, and CD-RW drive