ICS Remote Tools User Guide
About ICS Workbook 104
data, workbook 96
errors 99
stop 99
acronyms 13
Active Workbook 104
Add 70
Add to ICS Program 92
Add/Submit Job, process 109
address 22, 43
alarm center, RAD 121
Allowable errors before stopping, OLP 103
application, install 29
Back 58
file path 107
immediate backup 116
Jobs In Queue 113
overview 107
scheduled repeat periods 111
using Scheduler 109
Backup - AA Greetings 111
Backup - All 111
Backup - System Programming 111
backup and restore, before you start 22
Backup Now 117
Backup Restore, Run Tools 107
baud rate 22, 26, 44, 52, 127
before you start 22
PC Destination directory 116
PC Source directory 118
command buttons 68
compare navigation tree 72
navigation menu 65
navigation tree diagram example 73
open 65
overview 63
programming map 67
setting time and date 69
stop programming 94
task bar 70
troubleshooting 75
understanding the tool 64
viewing recent changes 71
window descriptions 66
Cancel 53
Cell, OLP errors 101
Change password 59
Change Path 38
CICS, backup/restore job types 111
Close OLP when completed 103
COM port 22, 44, 52
command buttons
Browser window 68
dialog box operations 69
remote set tool 59
Completed 113
computer setup 25
set programming headings 58
using a workbook 90
using the remote set tool 58
Configure Hardware 88
Connect 53
connect type 22, 44, 52
before you start 22
Connection Properties dialog 51
default modem string 26
default properties screen 51
details 52
dial-up modem 17
direct 16, 19
direct baud rate 26
direct pinouts 19
hardware requirements 16
manual 51
modem 16
operator-assisted 16, 18
properties 44
remote 16
serial cable 16