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Select head gap adjustment mode (passbook mode)
Format ESC ~ G M m n
1B 7E 47 4D m n
Selects head gap automatic adjustment mode, including Passbook1 and
Passbook2 mode. See Chapter 5 for further details.
m=0 Selects “Auto One” mode, checking the paper thickness at
the beginning of the page. In this case, n is ignored.
m=1 Selects “Auto All” mode, checking the paper thickness on
each line printed. In this case, n is ignored.
m=2 Selects “Fixed” mode. The value of n determines the
head gap size and is in the range from 0 to 34
m=3 Activates “Passbook1” mode. The length of passbook
measured using the automatic passbook measuring mode
is used for passbook printing. In this case, n is ignored.
m=4 Activates “Passbook2” mode. The length of the passbook
is defined as n/6 inches. For example, n=24 means the
passbook page is 24/6 inches long or 4 inches, approx.
100 mm.
Select paper type (cut sheet or fanfold)
Format: ESC ~ i n
1B 7E 69 n
Specifies whether fanfold or cut sheet paper should be used. If a different
paper type is currently set in the printer, it will be ejected.
n=0 or 48 Fanfold tractor paper (rear fed)
n=1 or 49 Cut sheet paper (front fed)