CBM-710/720/730/750 User’s Manual
5. 5 Part Descriptions
(1) Power Cord Attach the connector end to the printer inlet, and insert the plug end into an electric outlet.
(2) Inlet This is the electric power inlet. Attach the connector end of the power cord here.
(3 ) Power Switch Power is supplied to the printer by turning this switch on.
(4) Line Switch When this switch is pressed, the printer enters select (on line) status. When pressed again,
the printer enters deselect (off line) status. This switch is also used when clearing an alarm
(5) LF Switch Paper feeding is performed when this switch is pressed (in deselect status only). This is
used when inserting the paper and for spacing up etc.
(6) Power Lamp This lights up when the power switch is "on" and goes out when turned "off".
(7) On Line Lamp This lights up when the printer is in select (on line) status, and goes out when in deselect
(off line) status. Printing operation is performed only when this lamp is on.
(8) Alarm Lamp This lights up when printer operation is abnormal. When in an alarm condition, printing
and line feed operations are not performed.
(9) Interface Connector Connects through a cable to a computer etc. Please be certain that power to both
the printer and the computer are turned off when connection is made.
(l0) Connector Cover Covers the connector which is used for the paper winder mechanism (AW-2).
(l1) Paper Cover Opens when replacing the paper roll.
(l2) Ribbon Cover Opens when replacing the ribbon.
(l3) Top Case
(l4) Bottom Plate
(l5) Printer Cover
(l6) Paper-Feed Knob
(l7) Bottom Base
(l8) Base Stoppers