CBM-253 User’s Manual
GS :
[Name] Starting/fishing of the macro defining
[Code] <1D>H <3A>H
[Function] Specifies the starting or finishing of the macro defining.
The receiving of this command while the macro defining is being carried out will have the
meaning of finishing the macro defining,
[Items requiring caution]
Up to 2048 bytes of contents may be defined by the macro. Those parts of the macro in
excess of 2048 bytes can not be defined.
The defined contents will not be cleared even if the ESC @ (printer initialization)
command is executed.
Accordingly, the ESC @ command may be included in the contents for macro defining.
Normal printing operations can be carried out even when macro defining is taking place.
[Initial value] The macro is not defined
[Reference] GS ^
[Program example]
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1D) + " :" ;
LPRINT "+---+" + CHR$ (&HA) ;
LPRINT " | " ; LPRINT CHR$(&H1D) + "c" ;
LPRINT " | " + CHR$(&HA) ;
LPRINT "+---+" + CHR$ (&HA) ;
LPRINT CHR$(&H1D) + " :" ;
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1D) + "^" ;
LPRINT CHR$(2) + CHR$(10) ;