arming indicator light continuously flashes; ③ if the ceiling lamp switch is in the
controlled position and the ceiling lamp is in OPEN position, the ceiling lamp closes.
4.4. Disarm mode:
a) How to disarm:
Condition: The body is in the normal arming mode.
Operation: Press down the “UNLOCK” button on the remote controller.
b) Representation when disarming:
Before the body changes from the normal arming mode to the disarm mode: ① the
left/right turn signal lamp continuously flashes twice; ② the body anti-theft horn
continuously gives an alarm twice (not give an alarm for the vehicle without the alarm
c) Body state after disarming:
After the body is disarmed: ① the four doors can be freely opened; ② the arming
indicator light stops flashing; ③ the ceiling lamp automatically extinguishes within 8 s
after it turns on.
(CAUTION: If no action on the body is implemented within 28 s after disarming, 28 s
later, the body control module will automatically make the body enter again into the
arming condition.
4.5. Alarm mode:
a) How to trigger the alarm mode:
Condition: The body is in the normal arming mode.
Operation: ① Enfocedly open any of four doors; ② enforcedly open front hood or trunk;
③ turn on the ignition switch.
b) Representation when entering the alarm mode:
After the body enters into the alarm mode: ① the left/right turn signal lamp continuously
flashes for 28 s; ② the body anti-theft horn continuously give an alarm for 28 s; ③ after
stopping alarming, 28 s later, if four door, front hood and trunk close and then open, the
left/right turn signal lamp and the body anti-theft horn will be triggered for 28 s, and
cycles; ④ if the door open or “ignition” state exists at all times, the alarm is given ten
cycles and then stops, with the cycle interval of 2 s (not give an alarm for the vehicle