1. Control principle
This wiper system’s control is a switch type one while the intermitten control adopts the
intermitten relay. The wiper motor is grounded itself. When the switch is in the Low Speed
position, the wiper switch is used to connect the power supply from F19 with the No 1 terminal of
the wiper motor, and the wiper starts to operate at low speed. When the switch is in the High
Speed position, the wiper switch is employed to connect the power supply from F19 with the No 2
terminal of wiper motor so as to enable the wiper motor to operate at high speed. When the switch
is in the Intermittent posistion, the wiper switch is used to connect the power supply from F19
with the No 7 terminal of the switch, which offers the base electrode of triode of intermittent relay
the power supply. The triode controls the internal switches to make the power supply of wiper
motor 3 go through No 4 circuit and via the intermitten relay controlled switch and then get to the
wiper switch 6. Then, through the low speed circuit, the wiper motor is intermittently controlled.
2. Wiper return and stop function
In order to ensure that the wiper can return back to its original position when the wiper stops
working, there are two sets of contact mechanisms inside the wiper motor: one is return contact,
and the other is stop contact. When the wiper operates at low or high speed, both sets of contacts
are out of service. However, when the low or high speed power supply of the wiper disconnects,
the wiper motor is powered by the No 3 power supply of motor and keeps continuous operation.
When the motor operates to the specified position (the wiper blade returns back to the original
position), the No 3 power supply of wiper motor is disconnected while the No 4 applies the power
supply from F19 on the normal low level side of the wiper motor by turning on the intermittent
relay switch. In this case, it enable the motor to produce the trend of rotation in reverse. This trend
just counteracts the movement of wiper motor generated due to the inertia after power off, which
makes the motor braked immediately and stop operation.