Even though every attempt is made to ensure this information is complete and accurate, it is impossible to account for all possible circumstances or situations. Please consult with a quali ed auto technician
before attempting to perform any work you are not quali ed to do. Automobiles can be hazardous to work on; be sure to take all necessary safety precautions. Failure to do so may result in property damage
or personal injury. Certain motor vehicle standards and performance requirements may apply to your motor vehicle (such as Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards by the National Highway Tra c Safety
Administration). Be sure that your work is performed in accordance with such standards and that you do not disable any motor vehicle safety feature.
ATTENTION: Refer to the appropriate shop manual for your vehicle to obtain speci c service procedures for this part. If you do not have
a service manual or lack the skill to install this part, it is recommended that you seek the services of a quali ed technician. Pay special
attention to all cautions and warnings included in the shop manual. Read and follow all instructions carefully.
©2011 Dorman Products, Inc.
No reproductions in whole or in part without prior written approval.
STEP 9: Temporarily install the power window switch and lower the door glass to expose
the door glass attaching screws to the window regulator.
STEP 10: Once the door glass has been
disconnected from the window regulator,
manually slide the glass into the up position
and use either a saddle cup assembly,
painter’s tape, or a wedge to hold into
STEP 11: Disconnect the power window