TKIP Method - This is the method that the AirStation uses to handle TKIP encryption. The two
methods are Hardware and Software. Hardware uses the AirStation’s processors TKIP extension
to handle the TKIP encryption. This results in decent performance but the limitation of only 12
simulataneous TKIP clients. The software method is a software method written by Buffalo which al-
lows for considerably more TKIP clients but does not utilize the processor’s direct extensions. This
results in more of a throughput loss when TKIP is used.
IEEE802.1x/EAP authentication (WPA) - Confi gure Authentication and WPA Settings.
Disable - Do not use any RADIUS Server based authentication.
Enable - Authorized clients access this AirStation via a RADIUS Server.
Use 802.1x/EAP to authorize every wireless client who wants to access the AirStation by using
802.1x/EAP and a RADIUS Server. The RADIUS server provides login information for every user
establishing a more secure system than TKIP or other fi xed encryption key methods. This also
reduces the amount of necessary key maintenance.
A RADIUS server is necessary for IEEE802.1x/EAP authentication. Enter [RADIUS Server], {RA-
DIUS Port] and [RADIUS Key] information.
RADIUS authentication
RADIUS Server - Enter RADIUS server IP address.
RADIUS Port - Enter port number for authentication.
RADIUS Key - Encryption key between RADIUS Sever and the AirStation. Enter the same key as
registered in the server. Use a 1 to 256 character alphanumeric code.
Advanced Settings