About the AirStation CD
The AirStation does not require any software to be installed on your computer for confi guration.
The AirStation CD contains client drivers for Buffalo Wireless Adapters (i.e. Notebook Adapter and
Desktop PCI Adapter) and the AirStation documentation.
Prior to copying or installing any software, please read the Software License Agreement “license.
txt”, located in the root folder of the CD. By installing, copying or using the AirStation software, you
are consenting to the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of the Software
License Agreement, do not download, copy or install the AirStation software.
It is the policy of Buffalo Technology to improve products as new technology, components, software
and fi rmware become available.
Please consult the AirStation wireless website (http://www.buffalotech.com/wireless) to download
and install the latest fi rmware for your product.