The following minimal requirements apply to routers:
– 1 Gbit or higher Ethernet ports.
– Supports PIM‑DM or Bidirectional PIM.
– Performs IP routing in hardware (i.e. a ‘layer 3 switch’) to minimize the routing delay.
– Packet forwarding rate > 1,000,000 packets per second per port (e.g. 8 Mpps for an
8‑port router).
– Non-blocking backplane per switching port, i.e. 2 Gbit per port (e.g. 16 Gbps for an
8‑port router).
– MAC address table of at least 1000 addresses per directly connected subnet.
The following table contains routers or router families (all of which are actually ‘layer 3
switches’) that are recommended to be used in OMNEO systems:
Layer 3 switches (or switch series)
Cisco 3560‑X series Requires IP services feature set
HP 3500 yl series Requires Premium License
HP 3800 series -
HP 4800 series -
HP 5500‑EI series -
Netgear GSM7328S‑200 -
Netgear GSM7352S‑200 -
DCN multimedia
System installation design and planning | en 11
Bosch Security Systems B.V. Hardware Installation Manual 2013-08 | V1.0 |