It is the owner’s responsibility to have all sched-
uled inspection and maintenance services per-
formed (at the owner’s expense), as prescribed in
the maintenance schedule for the BMW Emis-
sion Control System. Service intervals are com-
puted by the onboard BMW service interval
indicator and displayed on the instrument panel.
The instructions for proper maintenance and use
can be found in the X5 Owner’s Manual. It is
strongly recommended that any replacement
parts used for maintenance, repair or replace-
ment of emission control systems be certified
BMW Service Parts or BMW Authorized
Remanufactured Parts. Without invalidating this
warranty, the owner may elect to have mainte-
nance, repair or replacement of the emission
control systems performed by any automotive
repair establishment, or elect to use parts other
than certified BMW Service Parts. However, the
cost of such service or parts will not be covered
under this warranty, except in emergency situa-
tions. In an emergency situation, where an
authorized BMW SAV center or a warranty
replacement part is not reasonably available
(within 30 days), repairs may be performed at any
available service establishment using any equiva-
lent part. BMW NA will reimburse the owner for
such emergency repairs (including labor, parts
and diagnosis not to exceed BMW NA rates for
labor, parts, and diagnosis in said area) that are
covered under this warranty. Replaced parts and
paid invoices must be presented at an authorized
BMW SAV center as a condition of reimburse-
ment for emergency repairs not performed by an
authorized BMW SAV center.
The use of replacement parts, which are not of
equivalent quality, may impair the effectiveness
of the emission control system. If other than cer-
tified BMW Service Parts or Authorized Remanu-
factured Parts are used for maintenance, repair
or replacement of components affecting emis-
sion control, the owner should obtain assurances
that such parts are warranted by their manufac-
turer to be equivalent to genuine BMW parts in
performance and durability. BMW NA assumes
no liability under this warranty with respect to
parts other than genuine BMW parts.
However, the use of non-BMW replacement
parts or non-EPA certified parts does not invali-
date the warranty on other components, unless
non-BMW parts or non-EPA certified parts cause
damage to warranted parts.
What is not covered
This warranty does not cover malfunctions
caused by any of the following: accident, flood,
misuse, improper adjustment, modification, alter-
ation, tampering, disconnection, improper or
inadequate maintenance, use of leaded fuel or
fuels containing more than 10% ethanol, or other
oxygenates with more than 2.8% oxygen by
weight (i.e., more than 15% MTBE or more than
3% methanol plus an equivalent amount of
The replacement of maintenance parts, such as
spark plugs, filters and similar items used in
required maintenance services, the repair or
replacement of maintenance parts beyond the
first required inspection/maintenance, or if the
part has been replaced earlier for reasons other
than it being defective.
The SAV or any part of the SAV unless a failure
causes the SAV to fail to conform to applicable
emission regulations.
Any SAV on which the odometer has been
replaced or altered and the true mileage cannot
be determined.
The SAV, if the vehicle identification number is
altered or cannot be read, or if the SAV has been
declared a total loss or sold for salvage purposes.