BBB Auto Line
If your concern is still not resolved to your satis-
faction, BMW offers additional assistance
AUTO LINE is a dispute resolution program
administered by the Council of Better Business
Bureaus. BBB AUTO LINE resolves disputes
through mediation or arbitration. Mediation is an
informal proceeding whereby a neutral third party
(mediator) helps the parties to find an acceptable
resolution. Arbitration is also an informal pro-
ceeding in which an impartial third party renders
a decision after a hearing at which both parties
have an opportunity to be heard. You can select
mediation or arbitration or both.
The program is free of charge to you, the con-
sumer but there are some minimum require-
ments for participation in the program. Please
contact BBB AUTO LINE at the address or phone
number listed below for more details:
4200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203
1 800 955-5100
If you wish to use the program and you qualify for
participation, you will be required to provide the
following information:
䉯 Your name and address
䉯 The vehicle identification number (VIN)
䉯 The make, model and year of your vehicle
䉯 A description of the problem with your vehicle.
BBB AUTO LINE will also ask you for other infor-
mation that may help resolve your concerns,
such as the purchase price of your vehicle, any
mileage at the time of purchase, the current mile-
age, and copies of repair orders.
BBB AUTO LINE will notify you when your claim
has been filed. If you decide to arbitrate you may
attend the hearing in person or by telephone. You
may bring witnesses and give supporting evi-
dence. You may also submit your claim in writing
and ask for a decision on the documents you
submit, without attending a hearing. BBB AUTO
LINE will usually render a decision within 40 days
from the time you file your complaint. The deci-
sion is binding on BMW if you decide to accept it.
BMW must comply with the decision within the
time frame specified by the arbitrator.
Important: You must use BBB AUTO LINE
before asserting in court any rights or remedies
created by the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act,
(“The Act”) 15 U.S.C. Sec. 2301, et seq. You may
also be required to use BBB AUTO LINE before
seeking remedies under your state’s “Lemon
Law”. If you choose to seek redress by pursuing
rights and remedies not created by Title 1 of
Magnuson Moss Warranty Act, prior resort to the
BBB AUTO LINE is not required by any provision
of the Act.
California Residents
participates in BBB AUTO LINE, a mediation/
arbitration program administered by the
Council of Better Business Bureaus [4200
Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22203]
through local Better Business Bureaus. The
Arbitration Certification Program of the Cali-
fornia Department of Consumer Affairs has
certified BBB AUTO LINE and BMW.
2. If you have a problem arising under a BMW
written warranty, we encourage you to bring it
to our attention. If we are unable to resolve it,
you may file a claim with BBB AUTO LINE.
Claims must be filed with BBB AUTO LINE
within six (6) months after the expiration of
the warranty.
To file a claim with BBB AUTO LINE, call
1 800 955-5100. There is no charge for the call.
4. In order to file a claim with BBB AUTO LINE,
you will have to provide your name and
address, the brand name and vehicle identifi-
cation number (VIN) of your vehicle, and a
statement of the nature of your problem or
complaint. You will also be asked to provide:
the approximate date of your acquisition of
the vehicle, the vehicle’s current mileage, the
approximate date and mileage at the time any
problem(s) were first brought to the attention
of BMW or one of our dealers, and a state-
ment of the relief you are seeking.