Falling in love only takes 3 seconds.
Forming a deep, lasting friendship
takes 4 minutes and 5 7 seconds longer.
What do the fi rst fi ve minutes in the new
BMW 5 Series Sedan feel like? BMW
Magazine researched the issue and
documented the results. (The most
important result was that none of our test
subjects wanted to get out of the BMW
5 Series Sedan.)
0 :0 7 Operating the door handle is the
fi rst indication of things to come. The door
opens with that satisfying “clunk” that is the
unmistakable sign of fi rst-class materials and
precise workmanship. You take a seat behind
the steering wheel and cast your eye over the
cockpit. You close the door; the last couple of
inches, the door moves by itself, pulling itself
shut with hardly a noise.
1:12 The clear cockpit layout seems
pleasantly familiar. High-quality materials
make for a superb look and feel. Your
fi ngertips caress the different types of
surfaces. The steering wheel feels sporty
and compact. How pleasant it is to the touch!
Ergonomic perfection meets fi ne leather.
5 :7 3 It’s so quiet, almost as though the world
had been wrapped up in cotton wool. Your
senses become more acute. Everything is
focused on the driver; the centre console and
gear selector lever are inclined towards you.
Buttons can be reached with the tips of one’s
ngers; you just need to stretch out your hand.
The forward rotation of the shoulder feels
familiar: it is just like trying on a tailored suit.
4:4 Press the Start button, and the vehicle’s
functions come to life. The new BMW
Series Sedan talks to you in a wordless
language. You turn the iDrive Controller,
which functions with awless precision.
Everything is quick and easy to set up.
Your mobile phone is instantly connected
to the car.
7 : It is fun getting to know this car. A little
exciting, too, inspiring, like the rst day at a
new job that you have long looked forward to.
And then: the rst press of the accelerator
pedal. Still in idle. You hear the power of the
engine, feel its dynamic potential, can’t wait
to get going. And you already know that
you’ll never want to stop.