The fastest way to find information on a partic‐
ular topic or item is by using the index, refer to
page 324.
6 Notes
At a glance
12 Cockpit
16 iDrive
22 Voice activation system
25 Integrated Owner's Manual in the vehicle
30 Opening and closing
47 Adjusting
58 Transporting children safely
62 Driving
75 Displays
89 Lamps
94 Safety
107 Driving stability control systems
114 Driving comfort
139 Climate control
146 Interior equipment
153 Storage compartments
Driving tips
160 Things to remember when driving
163 Loading
166 Saving fuel
172 Navigation
190 Tone
192 Radio
200 CD/multimedia
221 Rear entertainment
230 Telephone
242 Office
251 Contacts
253 ConnectedDrive
262 Refueling
264 Fuel
265 Wheels and tires
282 Engine compartment
284 Engine oil
288 Maintenance
290 Replacing components
298 Breakdown assistance
304 Care
310 Technical data
314 Short commands of the voice activation
324 Everything from A to Z
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 607 879 - 09 11 490