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Chapter 6: Management
Password: Specify a password for the SNMPv3 administrator or user. Only the SNMP commands carrying this password are
allowed to access the Wireless P-T-P Ethernet Extender.
Confirm Password: Input that password again to make sure it is your desired one.
Access Type: Select “Read Only” or “Read and Write.”
Authentication Protocol: Select an authentication algorithm. SHA authentication is stronger than MD5, but is slower.
Privacy Protocol: Specify the encryption method for SNMP communication. None and DES are available.
None: No encryption is applied.
DES: Data Encryption Standard (DES) applies a 58-bit key to each 64-bit block of data.
6.3 Coovachilli Settings
Coovachilli is a captive portal management that allows WLAN users to easily and securely access the Internet. Under Router mode,
when Coovachilli is enabled, the IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Access Point will force an HTTP client on a network to see a special
web page (usually for authentication purposes) before using the Internet normally. The browser is then redirected to a Web page
that requires authentication. Captive portals are used at most Wi-Fi hotspots. Therefore, to use Coovachilli, you need to find
Coovachilli service providers that have the additional services needed to make Coovahcilli work.
Figure 6-4. Coovachilli settings.
Radius Settings
Primary Radius Server: Enter the name or IP address of the primary radius server.
Secondary Radius Server: Enter the name or IP address of the primary radius server, if any.
Radius Auth Port: Enter the port number for authentication.
Radius Acct Port: Enter the port number for billing.
Radius Shared Secret: Enter the secret key of the radius server.
Radius NAS ID: Enter the name of the radius server, if any.