UM-CV-751-UKVM-Q215V3 www.austin-hughes.com
Combo Cat6 IP KVM
< 1.5 > Important Preconfi guration for IP console
P. 6
JAVA Security Issue
Due to the changes from Java security, customer may facing the "JAVA Block" message while
accessing the remote console over IP.
If it said so, here is the workaround solution :
Customer can use the "Exception Site list" feature to run the applications blocked by security setting.
Adding the URL of the blocked application to the Exception Site list allows it to run with some warnings.
Steps to Add URLs to the Exception Site list :
■ Go to the Java Control Panel ( On Windows Click Start and then Confi gure Java )
■ Click on the Security tab
■ Click on the Edit Site List button
■ Click Add in the Exception Site List window
■ Click in the empty fi eld under the Location fi eld to enter the URL ( URL should begin with http:// or https:// )
The remote client computer must have a web browser ( such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,
and Netscape Navigator ) and a Java Virtual Machine ( version 1.4 or higher ) installed. Enable Java on the
web browser.