AKG – The Story of a Legendary Brand
For more than five decades, AKG has been
a leading manufacturer of studio micro-
phones, broadcast and live sound equip-
ment, as well as headphones to the high-
est standards of quality and reliability.
The resulting experience and engineering
know-how are the foundation of the
unique sound of AKG products as well as
the reputation and popularity of the leg-
endary AKG brand. Today, AKG products
are available throughout the world and
have become a standard in many radio
and TV studios.
Did you know that according to the 1990
Billboard Survey every US recording studio
uses at least one AKG product?
AKG Facts & Figures:
• Established in Austria in 1947.
• Founders: Rudolf Görike and
Ernst Pless.
• AKG grew from a two-man
company into a multinational
• AKG has applied for more than
1,400 patents worldwide.
• AKG is a leading audio manu-
facturer with one of the most
advanced acoustics labs in
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