AcroComm Programming Manual
HHMMSS: Time of transaction
S: Source of transaction (1-keyboard, 2-magnetic strip,3-bar
code, 0-erased record)
BBB..: Supervisor badge number, variable length
F: Supervisor Function (@)
YYYYMMDD: Date required for record
HHMM: Time required for record from #3 through the end, the record
is identical to the Normal Transaction Record, from that
record’s #1 indicator through the end.
9.5. Terminal Memory Information
ACROCOMM –S#1 –Hheader.txt is a formatted string containing the following
information. Every datum is separated by a comma.
v4, (This is constant)
Terminal Id,
Reserved memory for Profile Definitions,
Available Memory for Access Table,
Actual count of Access Table Entries,
Available Memory for Profile Assignation Table,
Actual count of Profile Assignation Table Entries,
Available Memory for Message Table,
Actual count of Message Table Entries,
Available Memory for Transactions,
Actual count of Transactions,
<New Line Character>
Validation Table 0 Size,
Validation Table 1 Size,
Validation Table 2 Size,
Validation Table 3 Size,
PIN Assignation Table Size,
Actual count of PIN Assignation Table Entries,
Fingerprint Index Table Size,
Fingerprint Index Table Entries