Unparalleled image quality
industrial display panel.
Pioneer's plasma displays have become the preferred standard for applications like information visualization, large area viewing,
command control centers, information kiosks and retail signage. Pioneer's extensive understanding of industrial displays,
leading edge product design and manufacturing ability has all gone into producing this new PDP-433CMX plasma display.
The PDP-433CMX takes PDP performance to an entirely new level. Pioneer has succeeded in increasing brightness and color
reproduction quality, while also increasing reliability, operating ease and versatility. Its energy star certification has established
a new level of energy-efficiency and environmental friendliness for PDPs. With its 43-inch True XGA 16:9 screen (diagonally
measured), it's a bit wider and far superior to the usual 42-inch models. With all of these advantages, the PDP-433CMX
weighs only 69 lbs. Choose the PDP-433CMX and discover why it's the best choice for professional display applications.
in a thin, en
Pioneer is the world leader
in PDP technology and products.
Pioneer continues to be the worid leader in the introduction of improved
PDP technology and products. The superior performance of the PDP-433CMX
demonstrates why PDPs are truiy the future of professionai image displays.
Unlike other PDP suppliers. Pioneer deveiops, designs and manufactures
PDPs entirely in-house. You wiil see Pioneer PDPs at airports, shopping maiis,
showrooms, hospitais, company presentation rooms... in fact, anypiace
where the goai is to inform or entertain with iarge, high quaiity images.
■ j
Wide, Flat and Thin
Compared to ordinary CRT monitors, the PDP screen is perfectiy fiat, yet eiegantly
slim — oniy 98mm p-7/8*) deep. There really is no comparison.
Lightweight for Easy Mounting
PDP units are much iighter than CRT monitors. They can be affixed to a mobile,
floor or tabletop stand, or easily mounted on walls and ceilings horizontally,
vertically or anything in between.
Wider Viewing Angle
PDPs provide a wider consistent viewing angle than conventional monitors —
both horizontally and vertically. Spectators are ensured of a clear view from
the sides or below the screen, which is ideal for public displays.
High Precision Imaging
PDPs deliver a high precision, distortion-free, evenly illuminated image out to
the corners of the screen. Instant set-up and convergence-free operation ensures
superb image quality.
Free from Magnetic Interference
Unlike CRT devices, PDPs do not suffer from image distortion or color inaccuracy
due to magnetic fields.
43-inch XGA Professional Plasma Display