y Picture Options: customizes the picture options.
– Noise Reduction: Removes irregularly generated tiny dots for a clear picture.
– MPEG Noise Reduction: Reduces the noise produced while creating digital video signals.
– Black Level: Adjusts the black level of the picture to correct the brightness and contrast of the picture.
(Recommended settings according to input signal: RGB 0–255: High, RGB 16–235: Low, YCbCr: Low)
– Real Cinema: Optimizes the video image for a cinematic look.
– Motion Eye Care: Reduces eye fatigue by adjusting brightness levels and lessening blurriness based on the dis-
played image.
– LED Local Dimming: Brightens the brighter parts of the image and darkens the darker parts, maximizing contrast.
Turning this feature off may lead to increased power consumption. (Only applies to certain
– TruMotion: Reduces image shaking and image sticking that can occur with moving images.
y You can adjust advanced settings only in the User mode.
y Depending upon the input signal or the selected picture mode, the available options may differ.
To set the aspect ratio,
(Some features may not be supported in certain models.)
SETTINGS / Picture Aspect Ratio
Changes the aspect ratio to view the image in its optimal size.
y 16:9: displays the image with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
y Just Scan: displays the image in the original size without cutting off the edges.
Original is available in HDMI (720p or higher) mode. (On 58:9 models, this option can be
selected regardless of the input signal.)
y Original: automatically changes the aspect ratio to 4:3 or 16:9 depending on the input video signal.
y 4:3: displays the image with a 4:3 aspect ratio.
y 58:9: Displays the screen with a 58:9 aspect ratio.
y Vertical Zoom: Adjusts the height and vertical position of the displayed image.
y All-Direction Zoom: Adjusts the horizontal/vertical/diagonal dimensions and horizontal/vertical position of
the displayed image.
y If a fixed image is displayed on the screen for a long period of time, it will be imprinted and become a
permanent disfigurement on the screen. This image burn or burn-in is not covered by the warranty.
y If the aspect ratio is set to 4:3 for a long period of time, image burn may occur on the letterboxed area of
the screen.
y The options may differ depending on the model.
y Depending on the input signal, the available aspect ratio may differ.
y When you adjust Vertical Zoom or All-Direction Zoom, the screen may flicker for some input signals.