Introducing OPS Manager User’s Guide
Getting started
This section provides
• Instructions on how to start OPS Manager
• Information about the top-level menu
• Instructions on how to exit OPS Manager
Starting OPS Manager
You can start the OPS Manager application from the OPS Manager server or from a client
station. You launch OPS Manager in a Netscape or Internet Explorer browser. Refer to
Platform Requirements in the Installation and Maintenance guide for the supported
1. Go to a client station on the network (or to a telnet client).
2. Open the browser.
3. In the Go to: field, enter the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the http server, and
press the Enter key.
For example, http://servername/ops, where servername is the netbios name of the
OPS Manager server.
Do not use “localhost” as the servername.
4. Click Start OPS Manager.
After several seconds, the OPS Manager top-level menu window opens (see Figure 2).
Tip: Create a bookmark in your browser for this URL.
Tip: The first time you start OPS Manager from a client station it can take several minutes for
the OPS Manager top-level menu to appear. You can reduce the download time on subsequent
start-ups if you set your browser cache to a minimum of 7000 Kilobytes. Refer to your browser’s
online help for instructions on how to adjust your browser’s cache. If the OPS Manager software
is upgraded on the server, ensure that you clear the OPS Manager application from the browser
cache on the client station.